Networking is not about passing out as many business cards as you can or sales pitching to everyone that you come across. It is about listening, connecting and focusing on how you can help the person. A small business owner who takes the steps to attend networking events to meet new people will create opportunities to exchange ideas, business contacts, and support.
Laura Allen, co-founder of 15 Second Pitch for, explains How to Network More Effectively. No matter what industry your company is involved in. As a business owner, networking as much as you can with like-minded professionals will not only help you to master this skill but it will help you to build strategic business partnerships that may become mutually beneficial.
If you just happen to enjoy networking and own a business in the Ottawa Wedding and Event industy, we are hosting a Martini and Networking night on Nov 17th - pls feel free to join us. For more information, please visit:
These events are great. I attended two Business Network Events South Yorkshire. I came away with extended contacts, a better knowledge base and also a few potential business leads. For me they are important for any small business looking to expand and grow in any industry.