1) Enjoy an authentic Japanese Teppanyaki restaurant that will leave you guests "oooohing and aaahhhing" when the chef prepares delicious tableside grilled seafood, beef or chicken entrees with a little chop chop, toss and serve as a part of the entertainment.
3) Invite your friends over for a wine-tasting party at home. Ask each guest to pick a country, do some research as to which wine comes from that country and pair it with a delicious entree for everyone to enjoy. Not only will you be surrounded by great friends but your guests will enjoy wines and delicious food from around the world.
4) Plan a cooking class with both males/females. This type of private event allows collaboration, mingling, and an opportunity to learn while preparing your own food - in some cases, there may be more laughing than cooking depending on your guests' skills in the kitchen.
5) Relax and enjoy a private yoga party. This is a good way to help everyone relieve tension and alleviate stress before possibly going out on the town for a bachelorette or birthday party.
6) Book a private suite for a concert or hockey game with over 10 of your closest friends. Celebrate in style, from a "Jack and Jill" to a job promotion.
7) Express your sensuality with a boudoir session (yes that's right). Melanie Rebane, a local Ottawa Photographer, is hosting a spring boudoir marathon here in the Nation's Capital and the craze is catching on as women and their friends get to express through the lens of a camera just how sexy they really are - it's up to them who they share them with ;)
Beyond Events can help you on small or large private events...design, plan, and execute!
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