Thanksgiving is a time to be with family and friends, to remember how lucky we all are and to be thankful for all we have! However, I do believe that every day is a day to be thankful and Thanksgiving is simply the annual reminder as we get busy with life.
For us, Thanksgiving weekend is normally when we take a Sunday drive up to the Gatineau Parks, enjoy a couple of hikes through the trails, take some pictures to commemorate the Fall Rhapsody, and then get ready for the evening's turkey feast - and what is better than to be blessed with beautiful weather as another highlight to the long weekend.
I hope everyone is a lucky as I am to be loved and to be able to love. I am thankful that those closest to my heart are both happy and healthy. It's at this time of the year that I am reminded of my good fortune. I wish everyone a very "Happy Thanksgiving"!